Affiliated University of Auckland centres

Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

CIE’s team is dedicated to helping the University of Auckland to develop savvy, entrepreneurial graduates to ensure New Zealand’s longer-term economic, social and environmental prosperity.

Climate Systems Laboratory

The Climate Systems Laboratory focuses on quantitative earth systems science to address the climate crisis. They support existing programs while creating transdisciplinary training opportunities and connecting research to wider national and international academic communities.

Centre for Computational Evolution (CCE)

The Centre for Computational Evolution (CCE) uses computational tools and evolutionary theory to tackle 21st-century challenges such as phylodynamics, life system modelling, cultural evolution, and conservation genomics. The Centre fosters transdisciplinary projects to create new translational research across biology, psychology, linguistics, anthropology, and the health sciences.

Centre for Green Chemical Science

The Centre for Green Chemical Science tackles global sustainability challenges by working across disciplinary boundaries. The Centre has members across three faculties within the University and leverages the expertise of internal and external partners. The Centre aims to shape research directions informed by Māori through its emerging connections with Ngāi Tahu, Waikato Tainui, and Whakarewarewa marae.


Using a holistic approach, the Circular Innovations (CIRCUIT) Centre focuses on converting the current linear economy, with its waste surplus and resource limitations, into a sustainable circular economy.

Water Research Centre

The Water Research Centre is a cross-institutional network of leading engineers and scientists working to secure Aotearoa, New Zealand’s water future.

Dame Mira Szászy Research Centre

A Māori and Pacific research facility in business and economics aims to enhance the quality of life for Māori, Pacific and other indigenous peoples.

Earth Observation Lab

Empowering decision-making through timely and accurate Earth Observation data and products contributing to climate change, resource management, security and disaster response research.

Energy Centre

A multi-disciplinary research and education centre with a wide array of energy projects and scholarships.

Wind turbines

Energy Research Consortium

The Energy Research Consortium is dedicated to fostering a transdisciplinary and holistic approach to addressing the pressing energy challenges of our time. It aims to develop evidence-based research and cutting-edge solutions that advance energy efficiency, affordability, security and sustainability, toward a 2050 net-zero carbon energy system.

Engineering for Natural Hazards Mitigation Centre

The Engineering for Natural Hazards Mitigation centre seeks to develop analysis, design and decision making methods to support the assessment of built environment components and systems in the context of natural hazards.

Fofonga for Pacific Research Excellence

Our mission is to provide both focused and general support to Pacific researchers, research and research informed services.

Future Food Research Centre

The Future Food Research Centre brings together multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral expertise to find solutions for problems related to food security, systems efficiencies, waste, sovereignty and innovation.

Future Cities Research Hub

The Future Cities Research Hub links researchers studying urban-nature interactions for innovative future proofed solutions.

George Mason Centre for the Natural Environment

We are a multi-disciplinary research centre based in the Faculty of Science that focuses on environmental restoration, conservation and sustainability.

Institute of Marine Science

Te Whare Takiura Mātai Pūtaiao Moana brings together a wide range of expertise and facilities to help improve our understanding of the marine environment.

Infrastructure for community futures research centre (ICFRC)

ICFRC brings together interdisciplinary expertises towards a common goal of delivering high performing infrastructure while minimising its impact on the environment.

James Henare Māori Research Centre

The James Henare Māori Research Centre focuses on providing excellent research for the benefit of Māori communities in the Tai Tokerau region.

Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures

KOI TŪ is a University of Auckland Research Centre and think-tank.

Public Policy Institute | Te Whare Marea Tātari Kaupapa

Provides independent analysis and insight into key policy issues affecting New Zealand and the world.

New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law

The NZCEL conducts legal and interdisciplinary research into environmental law and governance, including its conceptual foundations, implementation and enforcement.

Te Puna Rangahau o te Wai Ariki

The Aotearoa New Zealand Centre for Indigenous Peoples and the Law is driven by Te Tai Haruru – a rōpu of Māori legal academics at Auckland Law School.

Transportation Research Centre

A transportation and engineering research centre focusing on planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation of transport systems.

Affiliated external centres

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) is New Zealand’s Māori Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE) funded by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and hosted by The University of Auckland.

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Contact us

Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland

Auckland 1010, Aotearoa New Zealand

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