
Apply now for PhD scholarships in climate, biodiversity and society

Apply now for PhD scholarships in climate, biodiversity and society

Our centre is offering two PhD scholarships to undertake world-class research that drives just and ethical action on climate change and the environment for thriving peoples and planetary wellbeing. Please share this opportunity on your networks. We are accepting...

Students decarbonising schools – a Mana Ora project

Students decarbonising schools – a Mana Ora project

Students from Meadowbank Primary both organised active modes of transport – like biking and scootering – and measured their positive impact on airborne carbon at the school. Credit: Auckland Council and GNS. The article below is by PhD student Dan Kelly. In the latest...

Climate adaptation project receives Horizon Europe funding

Climate adaptation project receives Horizon Europe funding

An international project to improve disaster and climate resilience has received funding through Horizon Europe, the EU’s largest research and innovation programme. This climate adaptation project is a collaboration between the University of Auckland, partners in New...

World Green Infrastructure Congress, 3-5 September 2024

World Green Infrastructure Congress, 3-5 September 2024

We are sponsoring three speakers at the World Green Infrastructure Congress which takes place at the University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau next week. This important event will emphasise the inseparable bond between us and the natural world. Our reliance and...

Project for public interest media

Project for Media in the Public Interest

Want to understand the world better? Get some context around some of the big questions? Have a fresh light shed on global issues and political debate?

The Project for Media in the Public Interest (PMPI) is a website connecting audiences to informed dialogue about science, economics, arts and politics. Academics from across disciplines at the University of Auckland, across America, Europe, Australia and other universities discuss their research on important topics via videos, podcasts, interviews, symposia and opinion pieces.

“We are aiming to elevate critical thinking, raise the level of public debate, and counter the trend towards soft news,” says the project’s founding director, political scientist Dr Maria Armoudian.

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Contact us

Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland

Auckland 1010, Aotearoa New Zealand

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