
David Noone’S Big Q: Where does water come from?

David Noone’S Big Q: Where does water come from?

Professor Noone is a natural scientist whose specialty is on understanding relationships between atmospheric wind patterns, the water cycle and climate. He serves as Director of the Climate Systems Laboratory and Director of Strategic Engagement for Nga Ara Whetu, a...

Saeid Baroutian’s Big Q: How do we transform our economy?

Saeid Baroutian’s Big Q: How do we transform our economy?

Saeid is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering. He is the Director of Innovation at Ngā Ara Whetū Centre for Climate Change, Biodiversity and Society and the Director of Circular Innovations (CIRCUIT) Research Centre at the...

Get funded. Ngā Ara Whetū Doctoral Scholarships 2023

Get funded. Ngā Ara Whetū Doctoral Scholarships 2023

Ngā Ara Whetū is delighted to announce that we have two UoA doctoral stipends to award in 2023. ON OFFER: Two Ngā Ara Whetū PhD scholarshipsWORTH: $33,000 per annumDEADLINE: 12 noon Wednesday, 1 July 2023   The Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland (UoA)...

Researchers visiting from Southampton

Researchers visiting from Southampton

Please join us in welcoming Professor Damon Teagle and Professor Rachael James who are visiting Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland from the University of Southampton until mid-July. Damon and Rachael are keen to connect and engage with groups across the...

Collaboration With Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

Collaboration With Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

We have been talking to New Zealand's Māori Centre of Research Excellence Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga about working together. We would like to connect any Māori or Pacific researchers (staff or students) interested in joining their cluster on climate change. Please...

Project for public interest media

Project for Media in the Public Interest

Want to understand the world better? Get some context around some of the big questions? Have a fresh light shed on global issues and political debate?

The Project for Media in the Public Interest (PMPI) is a website connecting audiences to informed dialogue about science, economics, arts and politics. Academics from across disciplines at the University of Auckland, across America, Europe, Australia and other universities discuss their research on important topics via videos, podcasts, interviews, symposia and opinion pieces.

“We are aiming to elevate critical thinking, raise the level of public debate, and counter the trend towards soft news,” says the project’s founding director, political scientist Dr Maria Armoudian.

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Contact us

Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland

Auckland 1010, Aotearoa New Zealand

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