Climate change is one of the biggest global challenges of our time, and it requires innovative solutions from all sectors of society. The Climate Solutions Workshop hosted by Ngā Ara Whetū and the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship brought together individuals passionate about solving climate problems.

“New Zealand is a great hub for innovation of ideas that can be used around the world,” said a student at the event. “There are different ways to solve a problem. There are many aspects that contribute to sustainability and it’s not solely carbon emissions.”

The transdisciplinary event is a way Ngā Ara Whetū connects different sectors of the university to connect and tackle the world’s big problems.
The workshop was designed to help participants explore climate problems and solutions, share and test their ideas with others, and meet like-minded individuals who are also passionate about creating a better climate future.

“I was exposed to many perspectives on climate change problems and solutions from different backgrounds, for example, business, education, health, and other fields that helped me understand climate issues and solutions from their point of view,” said one of the students.

“I also got some precious feedback from them that can help me strengthen my idea about climate change problems and the solution I have in mind.”

The event was led by Mark Buntzen of The Distillery and was structured so participants could develop and grow their contribution to a better climate future. After the workshop, participants had the chance to enter their ideas into the Velocity Ideas Challenge, with the opportunity to win one of 20 prizes, including the Ngā Ara Whetū prize of $1,000 (closing date is Friday 12 May).

As well as developing their academic skills, the coming together of faculties helped students develop interpersonal skills.

“I learned how to connect with people from various backgrounds. The workshop also helped us to brainstorm, assess, and refine climate solutions in our minds. We also have a chance to share perspectives to strengthen each other’s ideas. I also learned a new way how to collaborate, exchange ideas, give comments, and build on others’ ideas to create better solutions.

“I enjoyed the steps in the process used in this workshop, which go from identifying the issue to coming up with a solution, as well as how other participants can provide their perspectives on our idea concept.”

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