PhD scholarships
Our most recent round of doctoral scholarship applications closed on 1 November 2024. These were for applicants starting their PhD in 2025. Details of future application rounds will be posted on this page.
Doctoral Scholarships 2025
The University of Auckland’s research centre, Ngā Ara Whetū – Centre for Climate, Biodiversity and Society is offering two Doctoral Scholarships. Applications are open until 1 November 2024.
We are welcoming applications for two PhD scholarships which will be awarded in 2025. The purpose of these scholarships is to support our Centre’s mission to undertake world-class research and training that drives just and ethical action on climate change and the environment for thriving peoples and planetary wellbeing.
At the core of our mission is fostering transdisciplinary approaches. Transdisciplinarity iteratively interweaves knowledge systems, skills, methodologies, values, and fields of expertise within inclusive and innovative collaborations, across academic disciplines and outside academia, to develop transformative outcomes that respond to societal challenges. At Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland this transdisciplinary activity is informed and shaped by Te Tiriti o Waitangi, kaupapa Māori, tikanga, Māori and Pacific knowledge systems, values and perspectives. We are accepting applications until 1 November 2024.
Number of scholarships
Ngā Ara Whetū – Centre for Climate, Biodiversity and Society will award two University of Auckland Doctoral (PhD) Scholarships in 2025.
A scholarship comprises:
- A tax-free stipend of $33,825 * per annum with an annual consumer price index (CPI) adjustment to the stipend value for up to 36 months full time equivalent (FTE)**.
- Tuition fees for up to 36 months FTE
- Single student Health Insurance compulsory charge
- A further six months of scholarship funding may be available following the initial scholarship.
* First CPI adjustment will take place on 1 January 2025.
** Duration of stipend varies according to doctoral programme, see the Regulations for more details.
Further information about the University of Auckland Doctoral Programme can be found here.
Selection Criteria
In addition to meeting the University’s Doctoral entry requirements, applicants will be selected based on the extent to which their statement of research intent meets the following criteria:
- The proposed research project aligns with Ngā Ara Whetū’s mission to lead and contribute to just and ethical action on climate change and the environment for thriving peoples and planetary wellbeing.
- The proposed research must be clearly transdisciplinary in nature.
- The main and co-supervisors must be affiliated to Ngā Ara Whetū and be from at least two different Faculties/large scale research institutes (supervisors should contact if they are unsure of their affiliation).
- Applicants must commit to involvement in the life of Ngā Ara Whetū as it evolves during their enrolment as a doctoral candidate.
- We encourage research that includes community/external partners, particularly Māori, where relevant.
- Applications must be received before the deadline. They also must be complete and follow the application procedure detailed below.
How to apply
Applicants must concurrently apply to be accepted to a doctoral programme at the University of Auckland. As part of this process, applicants should confirm they wish to be considered for a university doctoral scholarship; Ngā Ara Whetū Doctoral Scholarships are part of the pool of University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships.
To be considered for a Ngā Ara Whetū – Climate, Biodiversity and Society Centre PhD scholarship:
- Applicants must explicitly state their wish to be considered for the Ngā Ara Whetū Doctoral Scholarship in their Statement of Research Intent submitted as part of their application to the doctoral programme.
- Applicants must also send an email to containing
– a copy of their full application to the doctoral programme and,
– a statement that explains how the proposed project aligns with Ngā Ara Whetu objectives - The main supervisor must send a separate confidential statement in support of the application by the deadline for proposals to
It is recommended that scholarship applicants contact their proposed supervisors well in advance of the closing date for applications, since supervisors’ involvement in the development of the Statement of Research Intent is strongly advised and supervisors’ endorsement of the applicant and the proposed project is required.
Students and at least one supervisor will need to attend an interview as part of the selection process if shortlisted.
Relevant dates
Apply for the University of Auckland doctoral programme by 1 November 2024
Email a copy of application plus statement of alignment to Ngā Ara Whetū by 1 November 2024
Scholarships offered 1 February 2025
Enrolment on 1 March 2025 or 1 June 2025 (or 1 September 2025 for international candidates only)
Further information
- University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships
- University of Auckland PhD Programme
- Ngā Ara Whetū – Centre for Climate, Biodiversity and Society Doctoral Scholars 2023 and 2024
If you have any questions please contact us at
Every effort has been made to ensure the information we have supplied is correct and up to date. However, the University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship regulations take precedence over all other material.
You are strongly advised to read the scholarship regulations for complete information, to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for scholarship consideration, and that you understand the implications of any regulations.

Contact us
Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland
Auckland 1010, Aotearoa New Zealand