The Circular Innovations Research Centre (CIRCUIT) and Enviro NZ have been selected as finalists for an IChemE Australasia Award 2024 in the Sustainability Award category. This recognition is for a joint project on “Driving sustainability in landfills: Cutting emissions and boosting renewable energy”.

This collaboration has led to innovative solutions that enhance landfill gas production and convert it into electricity (more than 50,000 MWh), powering nearly 6,000 homes in the Waikato region and significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions to the lowest permitted under the regulations. The improved gas capture rates have generated millions of dollars in annual savings for Enviro NZ and lowered the unique emissions factor by 55%, translating into a significant reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions. Emission mitigated through gas capturing and utilisation in 2023 was more than 600,000 tCO2e.

By working together, academia and industry have ensured a thorough and science-backed approach to overcoming complex waste management challenges and contributing to New Zealand’s national target for greenhouse gas reduction. Award winners will be announced 30 September 2024.

University project lead: Professor Saeid Baroutian.

The Circular Innovations (CIRCUIT) is a Research Centre in the Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering and a Research Hub within Ngā Ara Whetū – Centre for Climate, Biodiversity and Society.

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