Our team

Jacqueline Beggs

Professor Jacqueline Beggs, Co-executive Director

Jacqueline Beggs is an ecologist in the School of Biological Sciences with research interests in biodiversity and ecological restoration leading to over 100 scientific publications. Jacqueline whakapapa’s to Ngāti Awa and has a strong interest in Te Ao Māori. She is on the Marsden Council and Chair of the Kākāpō Recovery Group.

Associate Professor Maria Armoudian, Co-executive Director

Maria Armoudian is a senior lecturer in politics and international relations, specialising in political, environmental, and science communication, human rights and their intersections with law, governance, media, and policy. Maria has published three books including in 2021 Lawyers Beyond Borders: Advancing International Human Rights through Local Laws & Courts.

Jacqueline Beggs

Professor JR Rowland, Strategic Adviser

JR Rowland is a structural geologist with a passion for tectonic-magmatic-hydrologic interactions, particularly in rift settings. This sort of research is relevant to resources and energy, to understanding geohazards, and to understanding fundamental tectonic processes. Over the last 20 years JR has taught across the Earth Sciences at undergraduate level, with a focus at postgraduate level on geothermal and mineral exploration, and geohazards.

JR is committed to supporting Aotearoa New Zealand’s just transition to a low-carbon and sustainable future. JR trains and mentors future leaders to think critically and ethically about resources, energy and Earth systems. See JR’s publications on google scholar.


Susana Negrete Urtasun

Susana Negrete Urtasun is our Research Operations Manager.

Sharon Smith

Sharon Smith is our Research Operations Coordinator.

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Contact us


Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland

Auckland 1010, Aotearoa New Zealand

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