SUSTAIN is the podcast of Ngā Ara Whetū – Centre for Climate, Biodiversity and Society. We focus on environmental issues facing both New Zealand and globally. Our roundtable robust discussions include guests working in academia, business, government and public sectors. 

See our episodes below and follow us on Apple or Spotify. We broadcast from the University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau.

Sustain Episode 12: What can we do about rising sea levels?

Sustain Episode 12: What can we do about rising sea levels?

Across the world, rising sea levels have become a pressing issue for coastal communities. Driven by our changing climate, sea level rise is already having a range of impacts, from increased flooding to the salinization of freshwater resources. To discuss this growing...

Sustain Episode 11: How effective is climate litigation?

Sustain Episode 11: How effective is climate litigation?

In recent years, thousands of lawsuits have been filed around the world by private individuals, NGOs and state governments in an attempt to force greater action on climate change through the legal system. They have taken their cases to both national and international...

Sustain Episode 5: Planet + People vs. Plastics

Sustain Episode 5: Planet + People vs. Plastics

On Earth Day 2024, Ngā Ara Whetū partnered with Te Aka Mātauranga Matepukupuku, the Centre for Cancer Research, to discuss the ubiquitous presence of plastics in our environment, and their impact on the land, water, air, animals, and on good health and...

Sustain Episode 1: What can be done about invasive species?

Sustain Episode 1: What can be done about invasive species?

Invasive species are costing us billions of dollars, but what can be done about it? Dr Maria Armoudian talks to ecological experts Prof Jacqueline Beggs and Assoc Prof Al Glen to find out. SUSTAIN is a podcast brought to you by Ngā Ara Whetū: Centre for Climate,...

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Contact us

Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland

Auckland 1010, Aotearoa New Zealand

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