Research themes

Humanity is part of nature. Our health and survival depend on the ecosystems within which we live. Climate, biodiversity, and society are intertwined. Solutions to the climate crisis and restoring biodiverse ecosystems can also build fair and healthy societies.

Ngā Ara Whetū – Centre for Climate, Biodiversity and Society brings together ideas, capability, and innovation from across the University of Auckland with communities, businesses, and institutions to develop nature-based solutions and real-world impact. We foster transdisciplinary research by convening and connecting teams of researchers that span disciplines including natural and social science, engineering, arts, the humanities, business, and economics.

Ngā Ara Whetū research encompasses three main themes: climate solutions, thriving biodiversity, and pathways to transformation. Our research also integrates indigenous aspirations and perspectives – Mātauranga Māori principles and values, and is contributing to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Ngā Ara Whetū research themes

Pathways to transformation

Politics, policy, and communication are at the heart of advancing sustainability and environmental justice. Well-informed leaders and publics make those policies possible. Ngā Ara Whetū works to advance sustainability through transdisciplinary research, experiential learning, and approaches that are inclusive of Te Ao Māori.

Teaching and learning

Communication, arts, policy & governance

Indigenous approaches and values

Biodiverse futures

Innovative research is critical to help protect and restore New Zealand’s unique biodiversity. The Centre’s research explores ecosystem function, ecological interactions, and solutions to ensure thriving ecosystems can continue to sustain life. These advancements in scientific knowledge benefit us locally and globally.

Thriving ecosystems

Biodiversity of our land and water

Climate solutions

Ngā Ara Whetū collaborates across the University to develop climate change solutions, focusing on circular economy transitions, decarbonisation strategies, resilient urban design, and earth observation data.

Circular innovations


Resilient cities

Earth Observation Lab

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Our research is underpinned by te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi) and draws on the principles of:

Whanaungatanga: Foster an inclusive, collegial research community founded on positive, supportive relationships in which all feel they belong.

Kotahitanga: Create a united sense of being, to support collective action and solidarity. Safe space for critical debate.

Manaakitanga: Respect, care, and support others; we act with kindness and hospitality.

Kaitiakitanga: Recognise our responsibilities as kaitiaki (guardians) to protect and respect our environment, traditions, knowledge, culture, languages and other taonga (treasure). We put kaitiakitanga of the environment at the forefront of our research, our way of operating and our aspirations for achieving our mission.

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    Contact us

    Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland

    Auckland 1010, Aotearoa New Zealand

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