Seminar with Ruben Ritzen on Sustainable Futures and The 
Role of Imagination in the Green Transition

Event Summary

This event is the fourth in the Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable World seminar series hosted by the Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Auckland | Waipapa Taumata Rau.

As part of the research and arts-collective Climaginaries, Ruben Ritzén has helped create soundwalks discussing climate adaptation issues, a travel guide to a sustainable future Skåne and developed futures-oriented school material based on the tenets of Education for Sustainable Development. He has also extensively researched and worked on Carbon Ruins – an exhibition of the fossil era, a museum set in the future. Drawing on these experiences, Ruben Ritzén will in his talk discuss the power of knowledge-based speculation, the future as political project, the importance of emotionally anchoring abstract climate issues and the concept of active hope.


Ruben Ritzén is a freelance researcher and project manager with a focus on sustainable futures. He is an ethnologist and anthropologist with several years’ experience in using arts-based methods to create tangible, believable and emotionally resonant climate futures.

Event Info

Date & Time
1 August 2024 | 18:00-19:00 NZST

Zoom link

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