Seminar with Dr Julia Bentz

This event is the fifth in the Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable World seminar series hosted by the Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Auckland | Waipapa Taumata Rau.

Dr Julia Bentz’s presentation will explore creative forms of engagement in social-ecological change and regenerative futures. Delving into storytelling, creative imagination, playful theatre performance practices, and other arts-based methods, this talk asks questions about the extent to which imagining, co-creating and telling new stories about regenerative and equitable ways of living enable us to realise new realities.

“We cannot create what we cannot imagine,” said the American poet Lucille Clifton. Stories play an important role in transforming social, political, economic and environmental realities because they can challenge our thinking and invite us to see new perspectives. Julia Bentz argues for an integrative approach to sustainability transformations and regeneration, one that reconnects body and mind, that fuses art and science and that integrates diverse forms of knowledge in an open, collaborative and creative way. This talk draws on the experiences of arts-based projects in Portugal and Germany, and explores embodied and performative practices and their potential for regenerative futures.

Dr Julia Bentz is a regeneration and transformation researcher at the University of Lisbon and a lecturer at Freie Universität Berlin. She has a background in interdisciplinary social sciences (MPhil. Development Studies, PhD Economics) and conducts research on the many interactions between social and ecological systems in a variety of research fields and contexts including climate change mitigation, adaptation and transformation. Her special interest has been community engagement and sustainability education. In her current projects Art for Adaptation and NBRACER as well as in her recent book, she explores the transformative potential of art and story as an engagement practice for diverse communities and social groups. She is also the lead of one of the working groups of the Cost Action “Shift – Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience”. Julia lives in Berlin and in her free time loves to dance and make music.

Date & time
5 September 2024 | 18:00 – 19:00 NZST

Zoom link

To view recordings of other events in the Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable World series please see here.

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