An investment in climate research from Ngā Ara Whetū

As global temperatures rise, ecosystems struggle to keep up and adapt. Weather patterns become increasingly erratic, and new research must be done to comprehend what these changes have on our forests. Ngā Ara Whetū has allocated $2,500 in funding to support George...

Voices amplified: Ngā Ara Whetū Affiliates get media ready

The Science Media Centre was on campus this week running a workshop exclusively for Ngā Ara Whetū affiliates to enhance their communication skills with the media and the public.   “I found the media training workshop highly beneficial,” said Associate Professor of...

Media Training Opportunity

Tuesday 18 July 20232:00 – 4:00 p.m. We are excited to invite you to a media training workshop run by the team at Science Media Centre. This opportunity is fully funded by Ngā Ara Whetū and exclusively available to our affiliated researchers. As members of our...